Professions based in Ephesians
When the Apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Ephesians, he gave them, as well as you and I, a wonderful gift.
A blueprint, so to speak, to help us renew our minds and be transformed even more fully into the image of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
During a family Bible Study a few years back, I went through each verse of Ephesians and formulated a variety of professions and suggestions that have helped me understand more fully who Christ made us to be, and get my thinking more in line with what God says in His Word about us Christians.
These professions are based on personalizing the meanings and references of the Scriptures, not re-writing or altering them.
Briefly, what I’ve learned is Chapters 1, 2 and 3 are basically telling us who we are in Christ.
Chapters 4 through 6 are essentially laying out how to live out of those wonderful and dramatic changes in our new spiritual nature.
In other words, Chapters 1 through 3 describe what Jesus made us into.
Chapters 4-6 tell us what we should do about it.
While you’re interacting with these recordings, it may be valuable to personalize the statements to yourself, pausing and reviewing as needed.
I hope you enjoy and benefit greatly from these, as I have.
Feel free to download the audios, videos and transcripts to any devices you choose and go back to them as often as you want.
Listen, watch, read, use them, modify them, and share them with anyone you’d like to.
You can even record them in your own voice or with your own wording, if you’re so inclined.
If I can be of additional help, you're welcome to get in touch.
Oh, and please let me know how you’re doing and how your mind renewing transformation is coming along!
Thank you.
As always, I wish you all the very best!!
Introduction of Ephesians Professions (audio)
Ephesians 1 Professions
Chapter 1
1:1 I confess that by faith in Jesus, I am a Saint… consecrated and set-apart in Him.
I am faithful and loyal and steadfast in Christ Jesus.
1:2 God's grace, unmerited favor and spiritual peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ is mine, which means I have peace with God… as well as harmony, unity, and undisturbed communion in Him.
1:3 I give blessing and praise and glory to the God and Father of my Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah, Who has blessed me in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm!
1:4 In His love He chose me… He actually picked me out for Himself as His own in Christ before the foundation of the world, that I should be holy, consecrated and set apart for Him… and blameless in His sight! Above reproach… before Him in love.
1:5 He foreordained me to be adopted and revealed as His own child through Jesus Christ!
It is His destiny for me, planned in His love for me, in accordance with the purpose of His will!
He did this in and for me because it pleased Him and was His kind intent --
1:6 So that I might be to the praise and the commendation of His glorious grace, favor and mercy,
which He so freely bestowed on me in the Beloved.
1:7 In Him I have redemption, deliverance and salvation through His blood, as well as the complete remission and total forgiveness of sin, in accordance with the riches and the generosity of His gracious favor,
1:8 Which He lavished upon me in every kind of wisdom, understanding, practical insight and prudence.
1:9 He has made known to me the mystery and secret of His will… of His plan… of His purpose.
His will and perfect plan is this: In accordance with His good pleasure and merciful intention
which He had previously purposed and set forth in Him,
1:10 He planned for the maturity of the times and the climax of the ages to unify all things,
and head us up and consummate us in Christ, both things in heaven and things on the earth.
1:11 In Him I was also made God's heritage and portion. In Him I obtained an inheritance.
In Christ I had been foreordained, chosen and appointed beforehand in accordance with His purpose,
Who works out everything in agreement with the counsel and design of His own will,
1:12 So that I, who hope in Christ and put my confidence in Him, have been destined and
appointed to live for the praise of His glory!
1:13 In Him I also have heard the Word of Truth, the glad tidings Gospel of my salvation,
and have believed in and adhered to and relied on Him. I am forever stamped with the seal
of the long-promised Holy Spirit.
1:14 The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of my inheritance… He is the firstfruits, pledge and foretaste…
as well as the down payment on my heritage, in anticipation of its full redemption and my acquiring complete possession of it -- to the praise of His glory.
1:15 For this reason, because I have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and love toward all the Saints of God,
1:16 I continually give thanks to God in my prayers.
1:17 For I always pray to the God of my Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant me and all the Saints a spirit of wisdom and revelation… of insight into mysteries and secrets in the deep and intimate knowledge of Him,
1:18 By having the eyes of my heart flooded with light, so that I can know and understand the hope to which He has called me, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in me… His Saint and set-apart one, and in all the Saints together…
1:19 By His Spirit of wisdom and revelation, I know and understand what is the immeasurable, unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for me as a Christian believer, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength,
1:20 Which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places,
1:21 Far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named… above every title that can be conferred… not only in this age and in this world, but also in the age and the world which are to come.
1:22 And He has put all things under His feet and has appointed Him the universal and supreme Head of the Church. A headship exercised throughout the Church,
1:23 Which is His Body, the fullness of Him Who fills all in all… for in that Body lives the full measure of Him Who makes everything complete, and Who fills everything everywhere with Himself.
Just as all things have been put under the feet of Jesus the Head, because I am in His Body, all things have been put under my feet, by the will of God… right now and always… in this age and world and that which is to come!
Ephesians 1 Professions (audio)
Ephesians 2 Professions
Chapter 2
2:1 He made me alive in Christ with the very life and nature of God inside me
2:2 Now He has made me just. I am justified in Christ, and I walk by faith
2:3 Now I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I please God as I live by faith in Him!
2:4 Praise God -- so rich is He in His mercy! Because of, and in order to satisfy the great and wonderful and intense love with which He loved me,
2:5 Even when I was not yet His spiritual child, He made me alive together in fellowship and in union with Christ!! He gave me the very life of Christ Himself!
He put in me the same new life with which He quickened Jesus… for it is by grace… His favor and mercy that I am saved, delivered, sanctified and made partaker of Christ's salvation.
2:6 And He raised me up together with Him and made me sit down together… giving me joint seating with Him… in the heavenly sphere by virtue of my being in Christ Jesus, the Messiah… the Anointed One.
2:7 He did this for me, so that He might clearly demonstrate through the ages to come the immeasurable, limitless, and surpassing riches of His free grace… His unmerited favor in His kindness
and goodness of heart toward me in Christ Jesus.
2:8 For it is by God's unmerited favor and free grace that I am saved, delivered and made
a partaker of Christ's salvation through my faith. This salvation is not of myself or of my own doing…
it came not through my own striving. It is the gift of God;
2:9 Not because of works or fulfillment of the Law's demands, lest I should boast.
I fully acknowledge that it is not the result of what I did do… or could have done.
I do not take pride in myself, nor take any of His great glory to myself.
2:10 I am God's own handiwork… I am His workmanship… I am recreated in Christ Jesus and born anew that I may do those good works which God predestined and planned beforehand for me to do.
By His grace, I am taking the paths which He prepared ahead of time, that I should walk in them…
living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for me to live.
2:11 I am, indeed, a new creation in Christ Jesus.
2:12 Old things have passed away… behold all things have become new!
2:13 Now in Christ Jesus… through, by and in His blood, I have been brought near to God in perfect union, relationship and abiding fellowship.
2:14 For He is Himself my peace. He is my bond of unity and harmony. He has made me part of His One Body and has broken down the dividing wall between us,
2:15 In His own crucified flesh He abolished the enmity caused by the Law… which He annulled. He has created in Himself one new man in quality and Godly nature… making peace in which I abide always.
2:16 He designed to reconcile me and all men to God in a single Body by means of His cross.
2:17 He came and preached the glad tidings of peace to me and all mankind, and I have received His peace.
2:18 Through Jesus, I now have an introduction, relationship and free access by one Holy Spirit to the Father… so I am well able to approach Him and His Throne boldly, where I obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16)
2:19 I am in His family. I am a beloved Child of the Most High God. I am a fully privileged citizen in the Kingdom of Heaven. I enjoy all the immeasurable, treasured benefits of the Kingdom of Heaven. In and through Jesus Christ, I now share all my inherited citizenship rights with God's own people, the Saints.
Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
I abide in and enjoy all the liberties, rights, gifts and blessings that Jesus has made available to me.
I delight in Him, and in all the gifts He paid such a high price for me to enjoy.
I thank and praise the Lord for His indescribable gift!
I am now consecrated and set apart for Himself; and I belong to God's own household.
2:20 I am built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus Himself the chief Cornerstone.
2:21 In Him the whole structure is joined, bound and welded together harmoniously, and it continues to rise, grow and increase into a holy temple in the Lord. I am a part of a sanctuary dedicated, consecrated, and sacred to the presence of the Lord.
2:22 In Him and in fellowship with the other Saints… I am being built up into this structure with the rest, to form a fixed abode dwelling place of God in, by, through the Spirit.
Ephesians 2 Professions (audio)
Ephesians 3 Professions
Chapter 3
3:1 Jesus is the Christ… He was preached to me, and I am built up in Him.
3:2 I have heard of and believe in and am thankful for God's grace and unmerited favor that was given to me in Him for my benefit.
3:3 The secret mystery was made known to me, and I was allowed to comprehend it.
3:4 Through His Word and Spirit, I receive understanding and insight into the mystery of Christ.
3:5 Things not disclosed in past generations have now been revealed to His Body by His Word and Spirit.
3:6 This is the revelation… that I am now a fellow heir with Christ… a member and joint partaker… sharing in the divine promise in Christ through my acceptance of His Gospel!
3:7 I am a beneficiary of this Gospel. I am a minister according to the gift of God's free grace and undeserved favor which was bestowed on me by the effectively working exercise of His power.
3:8 I have been granted and graciously entrusted with this grace and favor: to proclaim, partake of, and enjoy the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable, and exhaustless riches of Christ!
In Him, I have been given wealth which no human being could have searched out,
3:9 I am privileged to make plain to all men what is the plan of salvation in Christ… the mystery that is now revealed by the mind of God Who created all things by Christ Jesus.
3:10 His purpose is that through the Church, the complicated, infinite wisdom of God… in all its varied and innumerable aspects… might now be made known to the angelic rulers, authorities, principalities and powers in the heavenly places.
3:11 According to the eternal purpose which He has accomplished in the person of Christ Jesus our Lord,
3:12 In Whom, because of my faith in Him, I have the boldness, courage and confidence of free access, and an unreserved approach to God with fearless freedom!!
3:13 I am strengthened in all things that I or others overcome for Christ’s sake! I glory in all things done for Jesus, the Head, or for His Body, and receive them, in Christ, as an honor!
3:14 Because I see the greatness of His plan, by which I am built together in Christ, I bow my knees before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
3:15 For Whom mine and every family in heaven and on earth is named.
3:16 He grants me out of the rich treasury of His glory… and I am strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in my reborn spirit by the Holy Spirit. God Himself indwells my innermost being, nature, character, life and personality. (John 14:10 & 23)
3:17 Through my faith, Jesus Christ actually dwells in my heart! He has settled down, always abides, and forever makes His permanent home in me and I in Him. I am rooted deep in love. I am founded securely on His love, which is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit,
3:18 So I have His power and I am strong and well able to apprehend and grasp with all the Saints the deep and true experience of that love. He shows me continually what is the breadth and length and height and depth of it;
3:19 So I continually grow to know… practically, through my own personal experience… the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge without experience. I am continually filled through all my being to all the fullness of God! I have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and have become wholly filled and flooded with God Himself! I am in His perfect Body! I am in His spotless, lovely Bride!
3:20 Because of His power that is at work within me, God is able to carry out His purposes in my life.
He performs His blessings in my life superabundantly, far over and above all that I ask or think.
God works in my life infinitely beyond my highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams!!
3:21 To God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit… I give all glory, honor and praise…
now and forever! Amen!!
Ephesians 3 Professions (audio)
Ephesians 4 Professions
Chapter 4
4:1 I walk and lead an abundant, fruitful life worthy of the divine calling to which I have been called. This pleases and glorifies my Father and my Lord, and the Holy Spirit. My behavior is a credit to my summons to God's service.
4:2 I live in humility, meekness, unselfishness, gentleness, mildness, and patience. I bear long with others and make allowances because I love them. The fruit of the spirit is manifest in my life, in Christ, and in abundance!
4:3 I am eager and strive earnestly to guard and keep the harmony produced and provided by the Spirit in the binding power of peace.
4:4 There is one Body and one Spirit -- just as there is also one hope that belongs to the calling I have received--
4:5 There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
4:6 One God and Father of us all, Who is above all, Sovereign over all, pervading all and living in us all.
4:7 God’s grace and unmerited favor was given to me in proportion to the measure of Christ's rich and bounteous gift.
4:8 Therefore I say… When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive! He led a train of vanquished foes, making an open spectacle of them. He gave gifts to me and others in His Body.
4:9 Christ came down from Heaven, and descended into the lower parts of the earth.
As a result, I am saved, sanctified, delivered and blessed along with the rest of the Church!
4:10 Christ descended and ascended high above all the heavens, that His presence might fill me and all things in the whole universe.
4:11 And His gifts were varied; He Himself appointed and gave men to me and His Body… some to be apostles and special messengers, some prophets and inspired preachers and expounders, some evangelists who are preachers of the Gospel and traveling missionaries, some pastors who shepherd His flock… as well as teachers.
4:12 He gave these gifts to perfect and to fully equip me and the rest of the Saints… His consecrated, beloved people, that we should do the work of ministry… building up Christ's Body, which is the Church,
4:13 That the Church might fully develop until we all attain oneness and unity in the faith and in the complete comprehension of the full and accurate knowledge of the Son of God. He leads me to grow up in Him, and arrive at real, mature manhood. The completeness of my personality is nothing less than the standard height of Christ's own perfection. I mature and grow up to the measure of the stature of the fullness of the Christ, and the completeness found in Him. His intention for me is that I grow up into the image of Jesus Christ… a perfect man.
4:14 By faith I profess: I am now mature in Christ, and in His grace, I am growing in maturity more and more every day. I am discerning and wise, and am not tossed to and fro by the tricks and traditions of men.
4:15 My life lovingly expresses truth in all things. I speak truly… I deal truly… I live truly. Enfolded in love, I grow up in every way and in all things into Him Who is the Head, Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One.
4:16 Because I am a beloved member of His Body, joined together in Him. I am supplied with His power… adapted to my need and His work through me. I am working properly in all my functions as I grow into maturity… building myself up and being built up in love.
4:17 I live a holy life. My spirit, soul and body are sanctified and transformed by the Word of God, and filled with wisdom, purpose and fullness of Him!
4:18 My moral understanding is enlightened and my reasoning is clear and bright by His Word. My heart is tender and sensitive to God. My life is in Him, and His life is in me. Knowledge, perception and Godly vision spring forth because His life in me… anointed with the Holy Spirit and power… is expressed more and more. I am the branch that bears Godly fruit in abundance, which glorifies the Father!
4:19 I am in continuous fellowship with God, and eager to hear and obey His promptings and commandments. I have ears to hear, eyes to see, and a heart to hearken unto Him.
4:20 I know Christ Jesus… and He knows me!! I am His sheep. I hear His voice clearly and continuously. I hear and follow only the voice of Jesus Christ, spoken to me through His Word and Holy Spirit! I hear, trust and obey quickly the voice of my Good Shepherd. Everything He tells me is for my benefit and His. He has only the best in mind for me, in all things. He truly loves me... and He loves me truly!!
4:21 I have really heard Him and been taught by Him! All Truth is in Jesus… embodied and personified in Him.
4:22 I have stripped off the former nature of Adam.
4:23 I am constantly renewed in the spirit of my mind. I have a fresh mental and spiritual attitude.
4:24 I have put on the new nature… the very life of Christ within me.
I put on and live out the full manifestation of God’s life within me.
The life that is in me and that I live out is the new creation… the regenerate self which is created in God's perfect image. My new nature from Him is Godlike in true righteousness and holiness.
4:25 I reject as lies anything that doesn’t agree with God’s Word. I express the truth with my neighbor. Believers in Christ are all parts of one Body and members one of another. I always speak the Truth in Love! I speak the Truth... in Love!
4:26 I do not sin. I have been given a spirit of power, and love, and a sound mind.
I have great self control and exercise it well to God’s glory. I am loving, peaceful, and encouraging in any situation or environment. I always control my thoughts, feelings, emotions, words and actions.
4:27 I resist the devil and he flees from me… every time.
4:28 God enables me to manifest increase abundantly and give to those in need.
God always makes all grace… every favor and earthly blessing… come to me in abundance, so that always and under all circumstances and whatever the need, I am self-sufficient. I always possess enough to require no aid or support and I am furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation.
It is written… The benevolent person scatters abroad; I give to the poor; my deeds of justice and goodness and kindness and benevolence will go on and endure forever!
God provides seed for me to sow and bread for me to eat. He also provides and multiplies my resources for sowing, and increases the fruits of my righteousness… which manifests in my life in active goodness, kindness, and charity.
I am enriched by God’s grace in all things and in every way, so that I can be generous.
My generosity, as it is administered to others, brings forth thanksgiving to God. (2 Cor 9)
4:29 I only speak what is good and beneficial to the spiritual progress of others. I only speak what is appropriate and fitting to the need and the occasion. My speech is a blessing that imparts grace and God's favor to those who hear it. My speech is always Godly, valuable and powerful in Jesus’ authority.
4:30 I honor, and have deep fellowship with the Holy Spirit of God. I am sealed, marked, branded as God's own, and secured by the Holy Spirit for the day of my complete bodily redemption and final deliverance by Christ Jesus! I am confident that He Who began a good work in me will fully complete it unto the day of Christ Jesus, my Lord and Savior!
4:31 I crucify the flesh. I bear and fully manifest the fruit of the spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control, to the glory of God!
4:32 By the grace of God, I have become useful and helpful and kind to others. I am tenderhearted, compassionate, understanding, and loving-hearted. I forgive others readily and freely, as God in Christ forgave me.
Ephesians 4 Professions (audio)
Ephesians 5 Professions
Chapter 5
5:1 I imitate God! I copy Him and follow His example! I am His serving son! By my free will choice, I serve Him on the earth every day of my natural life. It is my privilege to be His representative and share Him and His love with those I meet! I mirror Him, and operate in holiness, anointing and power just like Jesus. I am an ambassador of Christ. I am a minister of His reconciliation.
I am His faithful agent of authority on the Earth. I speak and proclaim His Word, in His will, and in His authority. The Holy Spirit performs the will of the Father in physical and spiritual manifestation.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and He has anointed me to do the works that Jesus did on the earth…
and greater works than those because He is with the Father. (Luke 4, John 14)
I am a well-beloved child of God, and I imitate Jesus and my heavenly Father!
5:2 I walk in love, esteeming and delighting in others, as Christ loved me. Jesus gave Himself up for me. He became a slain offering and sacrifice to God for me. His offering became a sweet fragrance.
5:3 I live according to God’s morality and purity and generosity… as is fitting and proper among Saints.
I am one of God's consecrated people and live holy unto the Lord.
5:4 I have only wise, sanctified communication… which voices my thankfulness to God.
5:5 I am holy as He is holy… I am the righteousness of God in Christ, and I have inheritance in the kingdom of God.
5:6 God resists those who are proud, but He gives grace to me because I am humble.
5:7 I only associate and fellowship with those He guides me to.
5:8 I am now light in the Lord.
I walk as a child of Light… and lead the life of a native-born son of the Light.
I am sanctified in behavior… in thought, word and deed.
I am a king and a priest in the Kingdom of God. The King of Kings has made me a king… and sent me to operate on His behalf and in His place on the earth for this time.
I am diligent to His calling and empowerment, and I am His profitable, serving son!
I am to live at all times as Jesus’ agent of authority, anointed with the Holy Spirit and power.
I go about doing good, and healing all who are oppressed by the devil.
I am on the offense to take back the Father’s possessions, resources and assets… anywhere the devil is found trespassing and squatting on them.
I take back Kingdom people and property just like my Lord Jesus, Whose Body I am, took back Kingdom property. He is my example. He is my full measure of operation. He is the high mark to which I look and press.
He has commissioned me to operate in His Name, authority and dominion to recover His most precious and profitable treasure… lost souls!
I am in His family business. The Church is set up and empowered by Jesus on the earth to do the Father’s business. It is Family business. The business plan perspective is always eternity.
There are many measurements of increase… lands, buildings, resources, tools, money, and more that can be used and employed to assist in producing profit.
However, there is only one measure of profit… Souls! Souls won and discipled to maturity in Christ!
The Body of Christ… His Bride… His Church filled, built up, edified and purified is the only measurement of profit the Father is interested in.
Everything else is just temporal tools and regarded as firewood to Him and His eternal perspective.
(1 Peter 3)
As a child of God, with His anointing, He has given me a precious privilege and right to share the love and power of God with others… to restore the Father’s garden to His original design and will.
I have a directive by my Lord to ask for, expect, and receive the fullness of my Father’s loving,
perfect will… done and manifest now on earth as it is in Heaven.
I am to experience the fullness of His plan for me at all times!
Jesus Christ is the new, reborn life of God inside me, in full outward, effective manifestation!
5:9 For the fruit… the effect… the product of the Light and the Spirit in my life is in every form of kindly goodness, uprightness of heart, and trueness of life.
5:10 I live… in the fullness of my experience… what is pleasing to the Lord.
My life is a constant proof of what is most acceptable to Him. I always lead the good, thankful, abundant, increasing and profitable life He wills and prepared for me!
5:11 I take no part in… and I have no fellowship with… the fruitless deeds of darkness.
I live in the Light. My life and conduct exposes, reproves and convicts those who are darkness and who are in darkness. His life and light are now my very nature and spirit.
5:12 I trust in the Lord and act as He acted. I shall never be put to shame!
5:13 When anything is exposed and reproved by the Light in which I live and operate, it is made visible and clear. Where everything is visible and clear there is Light.
5:14 Therefore I am awakened, and Christ shines in and upon me and gives me light.
5:15 I am diligent to walk in His light and life!
I live purposefully and worthily and accurately, as a wise, sensible, intelligent person.
My life is an expression of all the overflowing abundance Jesus came to give me.
He said He came so that I might have life, and have it more abundantly… to the full… until it overflows!
5:16 I make the very most of the time. I buy up each opportunity, to please Him.
5:17 I understand and firmly grasp what the will of the Lord is.
His perfect will is always manifested in my life. I am thankful and honor Him by living the life He gave me.
5:18 I am continually being filled and stimulated by the Holy Spirit.
He is always filling me and keeping me full of His perfect, loving Comfort, Counsel, Strength, Truth and Wisdom. I recognize, acknowledge and benefit continually from His Help, Intercession, and Standing By me. He remains with me forever, and fills me always! (John 14)
5:19 I speak out to others in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. I am continually offering praise with my voice, tools and instruments. I am constantly making melody with all my heart to the Lord,
5:20 At all times and for everything I give thanks in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father.
5:21 I live willingly subject to others out of reverence for Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One.
I am humble and serve others for the sake of Jesus and the Kingdom of God. (Matthew 18, John 13)
5:22 As His beloved Bride, I am willingly subject and submissive to Jesus Christ, my own Husband.
As a service to the Lord, I adapt myself to Him and His will and His ways.
5:23 The husband is head of the wife. Christ is the Head of me and the Church. He Himself is the Savior of me and the rest of His Body.
5:24 I am subject to Christ as my Savior and Husband.
5:25 I love His Bride and Body just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her.
I willingly give of my time, talents, resources and gifts to build up and edify His Body… His Church.
5:26 He has sanctified me, and cleansed me and the Church by the washing of water with the Word,
5:27 That He might present me and the entire Church to Himself in glorious splendor. I and the rest of the Church are to be holy and perfect.
5:28 Jesus loves me, a part of His Bride, which is His Church and His Body.
He loves me and the rest of His Bride like He loves Himself.
He has provided all that I will ever need… and all that is good to have and become… because He loves me.
He has graciously and lovingly given me all things that pertain to life and godliness!
In Him I have been given all manner of divine health, healing and strength… provision, wealth and riches… deliverance, freedom and liberty… wisdom, knowledge and joy… beauty, glory and honor… holiness, righteousness and dominion… and every good and perfect gift!
5:29 Jesus loves me! He nourishes and protects and cherishes me.
5:30 I am a member and part of His beloved Body.
5:31 By His grace and sacrifice… I have become one with… and one in… Jesus Christ.
5:32 The Holy Spirit reveals to me the great mystery concerning the relationship between Jesus Christ and myself as a member of His Church.
5:33 He loves me as part of His holy, spotless Bride…
I honor, worship, respect and revere my Husband, Jesus Christ.
I am watchful to notice Him… I seek to Honor Him… I pleasure in preferring Him… I value and venerate Him… I’m excited to esteem Him.
I adore Him… I defer to Him… I hear Him… I obey Him… I praise Him… I appreciate Him… I prize Him…
I regard Him… I love Him… and I admire Him exceedingly at all times!!
I worship the Father, the Holy Spirit, and my Husband Jesus in spirit and in truth.
I love my Lord with all my heart, with all my mind, with all my soul and with all my strength…
and I love my neighbor as myself!
Ephesians 5 Professions (audio)
Ephesians 6 Professions
Chapter 6
6:1 As a child of God, I obey my Father. As Jesus leads me by the Holy Spirit, I also obey my parents in the Lord as His representatives, for this is just and right.
6:2 I honor, esteem and value, as precious, my father and my mother ~ this is the first commandment with a promise.
6:3 All is well with me. I shall live long on the earth.
I call upon Him and He answers me. He is with me always and in all circumstances. He delivers me!
He will satisfy me with long life, and show me the fullness of His salvation! (Psalm 91)
6:4 I love my children as Jesus loves me. I rear them tenderly in the training, discipline, counsel and admonition of the Lord.
6:5 I have respect for all I serve… and am eager to please them. I operate in singleness of motive and with all my heart, as providing service to Christ Himself.
6:6 I serve in truth and sincerity, whether in sight or in private. I am His serving son… serving God by doing His will with all purity of heart and soul. I love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength… and I love my neighbor as myself!
6:7 I render service readily and with goodwill, as to the Lord and not to men.
6:8 I know that for all good I do, I receive my reward from the Lord!
6:9 I treat others kindly and with reverence and respect. I know that He Who is both their Master and mine is in heaven, and that there is no respect of persons nor partiality with Him.
6:10 I am fully empowered, enabled and commanded to be strong in the Lord.
I am filled with the same awesome power that raised Jesus from the dead.
I am continually empowered through my union with Him!
I draw my strength from Him, and it is that strength which His boundless might provides.
6:11 I always put on and wear the full armor of God, which He supplies to me by grace.
With His armor, I am always able to successfully stand up and overcome all the strategies
and deceits of the devil!
6:12 I do not wrestle, fight, strive or war with people, but against the darkness that drives them.
6:13 Therefore, I put on God's complete armor. I am well able to resist evil and stand my ground
at all times… and… having done all that is required, I stand firmly in my place, victorious in
my Lord Jesus Christ!
6:14 I do stand therefore and hold my ground!
I have tightened the belt of all His Truth around my loins... and continue to abide in His Truth always! Everything that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit know about the Faithful and True Word of God is snug around me… because I am in Him and He is in me! Praise God!!
I have put on and continue to wear the breastplate of righteousness, integrity, moral rectitude and right standing with God.
In order to get to me or slow down my offensive operation, the devil would need to pierce the righteousness of Jesus. I am the righteousness of God in Christ. It is His righteousness, which I have been brought into and given that protects me.
Everything that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit know about the righteousness of God in Christ is protecting me! The righteousness of God in Christ is impenetrable!
6:15 My feet are shod with the firm-footed stability, promptness, and readiness produced by the good news of the Gospel of peace. Everything that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit know about the Gospel is available to me… to bring true Kingdom profit to God!
6:16 I lift up over all the covering shield of saving faith, upon which I quench all weapons and attacks.
I always have more than enough faith. I have been given the full measure of faith as a gift from God.
If it were possible to run out of faith, Jesus would immediately supply me with His faith.
I always enjoy an abundance of covering, shielding faith! Praise the Lord!
Nothing can penetrate the faith of God, with which I am shielded.
God’s faith, covering me, is always victorious in Christ Jesus!
Everything that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit know about faith... its Source,
its supply and its operation... is available to me in Christ!
6:17 I take and wear the helmet of salvation. Everything the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
know about the salvation that Jesus provided for me is manifested in spiritual form as a helmet to
protect and guard me.
I always have available the sword that the Spirit wields, which is the Word of God.
The Word that God speaks is alive and full of power. It is active, operative, energizing, and effective.
It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life… the soul and the immortal spirit. It divides the joints and marrow. It reaches to the deepest parts of our nature, exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)
From my childhood I have had a knowledge of and been acquainted with the Word of God, which instructs me and gives me the understanding for salvation which comes through faith in Christ Jesus. I have faith and lean fully on God in Christ Jesus... in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness.
Every Scripture is God-breathed… given by His inspiration… and is profitable for instruction... for reproof and conviction of sin... for correction of error and discipline in obedience... and for training in righteousness.
The Word is effective for training, edifying and instructing me, and the Church, in holy living and in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose, and action.
With His Word, the man of God may be complete and proficient… well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3)
Everything the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit know about the Word of God, and Its power and operation, is available to me.
He gives me His Word and His Spirit so He can do His work through me… His Body. I speak His Word in His authority. The Holy Spirit wields the Sword in the physical and spiritual realms in power and manifestation.
6:18 I pray at all times, on every occasion and in every season in the Spirit, with all manner of prayer and appeal, petition and request. To that end, I keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance, interceding in behalf of all of God’s consecrated Saints.
6:19 I ask for, believe I receive, and flow in full freedom of utterance which the Holy Spirit gives to me by the current moment mind of Christ… therefore, I open my mouth to proclaim boldly the mystery of the good news of the Gospel,
6:20 For which I am an ambassador of Christ Jesus. I pray that I may declare the Truth of the Word boldly and courageously, as I ought to do.
6:21 The Spirit of Truth… the Truth-giving Spirit… has come! He guides me into all the Truth!
He tells me the whole, full Truth.
He does not speak His own message… on His own authority… but He will tell me whatever He hears from the Father. He will give the message that has been given to Him, and He will announce and declare to me the things that are to come. He tells me things that will happen in the future.
He honors and glorifies Jesus. He takes of, receives, and draws upon what is Jesus’… and what is mine in Christ… and reveals, declares, discloses, and transmits it to me.
Everything that the Father has is Christ’s. That is what He meant when He said that the Holy Spirit will take the things that are His and will reveal, declare, disclose and transmit them to me.
All the Father has is Christ’s. I am in the Body… the Church… the Bride of Christ Jesus.
All the Father has is mine, in Christ! The Lord is my Shepherd… I have no lack or shortage or want of any good thing! In Christ Jesus, I have all abundance of good, perfect gifts from the Father!
(John 16 Psalm 23)
All things... absolutely every and all things... are possible for me, because I believe in Him.
6:22 Jesus has sent Him to me for this very purpose, that I may know all things… and know Him as He knows me. I wait on the Lord. I expect, look for, and hope in Him… and I know that He will console, cheer, encourage and strengthen my heart. He causes me to multiply and abound! (Isaiah 40)
6:23 Jesus gives me His peace… His entire, whole, perfect Shalom… with nothing missing and nothing broken… to me and the rest of the brethren. I have His love, joined with His faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ… the Messiah… the Anointed One.
6:24 I have God’s undeserved favor and grace, along with all who love my Lord Jesus Christ, with ever living, ever growing and incorruptible love.
I have exceeding faith and abounding love! (2 Thess 1:3)
I have the grace, favor and spiritual blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ…
I have the love of God… and
I have the presence and fellowship… full communion, sharing together and participation in the Holy Spirit!! Praise God! (2 Corinthians 13:14)
Thank you Father for your Truth! Your Word is Truth! Amen… so let it be.
Ephesians 6 Professions (audio)
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